Instagram Now Allows You to Include Up To 20 Photos or Videos in A Single Feed Post

Janani R August 09, 2024 | 10:38 AM Technology

When sharing moments on Instagram, many users have struggled with the limitation of only being able to include ten photos or videos per post. Whether it's capturing a weekend getaway, highlighting a special event, or simply curating a series of fun snapshots, that ten-media cap often feels restrictive. I've personally encountered this issue, often wishing for more room to tell a more complete story.

Figure 1. Instagram Now Allows Up to 20 Photos/Videos in a Single Feed Post

Fortunately, Instagram has listened to user feedback and is introducing an update that doubles the limit, now allowing up to 20 photos or videos in a single feed post. [1] This new feature lets you create more comprehensive and engaging posts without having to choose between your favorite shots or videos. It's a significant enhancement for those who enjoy sharing detailed, rich narratives on their feed. Figure 1 shows Instagram Now Allows Up to 20 Photos/ Videos in a Single Feed Post.

"Take your photo dump game to the next level," the company announced on its Instagram Channel. "You can now add up to 20 pics or videos to a carousel."

I believe Instagram’s latest update, allowing up to 20 photos or videos in a single feed post, is a significant improvement. As someone who frequently found the previous ten-media limit restrictive, this change is a welcome relief. It enables users to share more complete stories and capture every cherished moment without having to omit any favorite images or clips.

Whether you're documenting a vacation or showcasing a series of events, this feature offers enhanced flexibility and creativity.[2] It's a substantial upgrade for those who love crafting detailed and engaging posts. The ability to create more immersive content will undoubtedly improve the user experience, making it easier to tell richer stories on our feeds.



Cite this article:

Janani R (2024), Instagram Now Allows You to Include Up To 20 Photos or Videos in A Single Feed Post, AnaTechmaz, pp. 178

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