Google URL Shortener Deprecation and Transition Announcement

Hana M July 22, 2024 | 10:48 AM Technology

In 2018, Google announced the deprecation and transition of Google URL Shortener due to changes in how people find content on the internet and the emergence of new popular URL shortening services. This announcement meant that Google would no longer accept new URLs to shorten but would continue serving existing URLs.

Figure 1. Page shown for some links [1]. (Credit: Google)

Figure 1 shows page shown for some links starting on August 23, 2024. Now, the time has come for Google to turn off the serving portion of Google URL Shortener. The following information details how this will impact users of Google URL Shortener.

Who is impacted?

Developers using links built with the Google URL Shortener in the form* will be affected. These URLs will no longer return a response after August 25th, 2025 [2].

What to expect

Starting August 23, 2024, links will begin displaying an interstitial page for a percentage of existing links, notifying users that the link will no longer be supported after August 25th, 2025, before navigating to the original target page.

Over time, the percentage of links that will show the interstitial page will increase until the shutdown date. This interstitial page is intended to help users track and adjust any affected links that need transitioning. Google will continue to display this interstitial page until the shutdown date, after which all links served will return a 404 response [3].

It is important to note that the interstitial page may disrupt the current flow of links. For example, if other 302 redirects are used, the interstitial page may prevent the redirect flow from completing correctly. Additionally, if social metadata is embedded in the destination page, the interstitial page will likely cause this metadata to no longer show up where the initial link is displayed. Therefore, Google advises transitioning these links as soon as possible.

Note: In the event the interstitial page disrupts use cases, users can suppress it by adding the query parameter “si=1” to existing links.

Google acknowledges that the transition away from using short links may cause some inconvenience. Users with questions or concerns are encouraged to reach out to Firebase Support. Google thanks users for using the service and hopes they join in moving forward into new and innovative ways for navigating web and app experiences.

Source: Google



Cite this article:

Hana M (2024), Google URL Shortener Deprecation and Transition Announcement, AnaTechmaz, pp. 171

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