Journal of Biomedical and Sustainable Healthcare Applications

Evaluation of Biomedical Imaging in Deep Neural Networks

Journal of Biomedical and Sustainable Healthcare Applications

Received On : 21 August 2020

Revised On : 23 September 2020

Accepted On : 24 October 2020

Published On : 05 January 2021

Volume 01, Issue 01

Pages : 026-033


Whereas the historical background of medical field started in 1895 with Roentgen Wilhelm participating in the first x-rays photograph and proceeded through 1913 with the discovery of mammogram and 1927 with first cerebellar echocardiogram, advanced medicine tomography came into focus in the 1950s with the discovery of PET and ultrasonic image processing. The first computed tomography (CT) scanners was created by Hounsfield Godfrey and CoreMark Allanin 1972, while the first commercialized Magnet Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners were produced by Raymond Dalmatian in 1977. The creation of general methods and terminology of digitized signal and image processing occurred in tandem with the growth of medical imaging technology in the 1970s and beyond, as well as the advent of digital processors. In an examination of biological applications and analysis in the era of big data and deep learning, this article analyzes background and phraseology: Pattern Classification, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data.


Pattern Classification, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data

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Karthikeyan K, “Evaluation of Biomedical Imaging in Deep Neural Networks”, Journal of Biomedical and Sustainable Healthcare Applications, vol.1, no.1, pp. 026-033, January 2021. doi: 10.53759/0088/JBSHA202101004.


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