There has been an increase in the importance of software Security, Trust, and Privacy (STP). Product systems
must be designed with trustworthy STP protection methods while still rendering the required benefits of applications to its
consumers. As a result of this large skill gap, colleges and the software sector have found themselves in a state of supply-
and-demand conflict. STP-aware software development requires a new practice Capability Maturity Model (CMM) to
address this issue. In order to help colleges progressively increase their students' capacity to apply what they have learned
in the classroom, this contribution provides a model that consists of 4 levels: Awareness, Curriculum, Project, and
Enterprise, for STP-aware software development. Software development that is STP-aware has been shown to be quite
beneficial in the development of programming talent's practice capabilities for learners.
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Author(s) thanks to Dr.Toi Mazur for this research validation and verification support.
No funding was received to assist with the preparation of this manuscript.
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Geim Sllian
Geim Sllian
Center for Advanced Sttudies, European University Institute, Fiesole FI, Italy.
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Cite this article
Geim Sllian and Toi Mazur, “A Capability Maturity Model for STP aware Software Development”, Journal of Machine and Computing, vol.2, no.4, pp. 178-187, October 2022. doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202202022.