Human Activities Persistently Endanger Global Climate and Productivity
The pace at which anthropogenic climate change has altered terrestrial carbon stores is making our current climate-change mitigation efforts seem fruitless, unless behaviors are quickly changed.

Figure 1. Human Actions Threaten Climate Stability and Ecosystem Productivity.
Climate change induced by human behaviors, or anthropogenic climate change, has been a hot topic for decades and is not going away. As with any problem, reviewing datasets from the past to analyze trends and garner information is one of the first steps toward a solution. Gross primary productivity (GPP) is a key indicator of the overall health of an ecosystem and represents the amount of CO2 fixed by plants per unit of time and area. Researchers have come together to identify the drivers of change in GPP to gain a more thorough understanding of where the trends are likely to lead us and what efforts must be taken to stay in accordance with the Paris Agreement's goals of mitigating global temperature increases by at least 2℃. Figure 1 shows Human Actions Threaten Climate Stability and Ecosystem Productivity.
By utilizing a dozen long-term datasets on global GPP from the years 1982–2016, researchers observed a decrease in GPP across over 68% of the terrestrial surface of Earth. This finding alone points to a carbon sink saturation point, establishing a deeper sense of urgency to find ways to mitigate global climate change by altering our carbon-emitting activities.
Carbon sinks are natural features, such as forests, oceans, and even soil, that absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide. Unlike humans, which exhale carbon dioxide, plants intake carbon dioxide to produce energy for photosynthesis to occur. If these carbon sinks reach a saturation point, atmospheric carbon dioxide is not being taken up as quickly or effectively. This leads to further warming of the atmosphere as this greenhouse gas is trapped, in addition to the overall lower productivity of plants.
The trends were identified first by analyzing and comparing GPP trends for the entire period of the study, then each period (1982–1999 and 2000–2016). After this, the temporal evolution of the trends was analyzed and quantified on a global and individual pixel level, and lastly, the environmental factors’ contributions were quantified using the optimal-fingerprint approach, a linear regression model often used for analyzing climate change information. This procedure is how researchers arrived at their conclusions on the drivers in the evolution of global GPP trends.
Factors such as carbon dioxide levels and land use/land cover change (LULCC) are definite contributors to the fall of GPP by over 50% between the first period of the study and the second, but the main driver of this global decrease is more likely to be a decline in the CO2 fertilization effect.
"The decline in the CO2 fertilization effect is suggested to be the main driver accounting for the slowing-down of global GPP trends. Although it still has positive effects, the impact of rising CO2 on GPP on a global scale fell by about one-half from 2000 onwards compared to its impact in 1982–1999," said.
The CO2 fertilization effect essentially points to greater rates of plant growth as atmospheric carbon dioxide is increased. Despite having a higher amount of atmospheric CO2 available, most areas are not seeing the positives of this fertilization effect, theorized to be from a lack of nutrients in the soil and leaves.
If the trends observed in this research continue as suspected, then our current solutions relying on terrestrial carbon sinks are not going to suffice once they reach their saturation point. Future work will rely on mitigating anthropogenic-related global temperature increases by at least 2℃ to reach the climate-neutral target proposed by the Paris Agreement.
The National Key R&D Program of China, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Jiangsu Provincial Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, the China Association for Science and Technology, the Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology, the Swedish National Space Agency, Formas, the EU-funded CASSECS project, NASA SMAP, NASA CCE, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Spanish Government grant, the Fundación Ramón Areces grant, and the Catalan Government grant made this research possible.
Source: EureAlert
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Priyadharshini S (2024), “Human Activities Persistently Endanger Global Climate and Productivity”,AnaTechmaz, pp. 291