Human and Technology Connection

Wpfreeware 6:49 AM Technology

Technology is more than an abstract concept associated with advanced tools and systems used by businesses and end-users for convenience and automation of complex tasks. It also shapes the way societies and people behave, grow, evolve, and develop, both within their own lives and in their relationships with others. While technology has developed over the millennia that humans have existed - from simple tools such as the wheel, irrigation systems and chariots, to complex tools such as computers, cell phones, the Internet, and airplanes - the last century has seen an explosion in technology that has influenced subtle but crucial changes in how humans see the world and interact with others. Specifically, the Internet and mobile devices (i.e. smartphones, tablet computers, mobile gaming systems, etc.) have radically altered the way people interact with each other, since one of the major impacts of technology is the optimization of communication systems in the form of telecommunications and networking. While the Personal Computer and other electronics affected human interaction, they arguably did not have such critical impacts on human sociology until mobile computers came about. Mobile devices brought ground-breaking change to human interaction due to the innate nature of always being connected to the digital world via an easy-to-carry device that one carries around.

The very nature of all technological systems has altered human behaviors and interactions in some negative ways but has also created unprecedented opportunities for modifying human behaviors in positive ways.

Computer systems and the Internet have altered human interactions arguably in the most critical ways when compared to non-computer technological systems that have been developed in the last few centuries. The alterations in how humans communicate with each other in the modern day - which is largely via smart apps, through the Internet/WiFi - has both good and bad consequences. The wide availability of Internet-capable smart devices means that it is now possible for loved-ones to be in close contact wherever they are on earth (assuming that WiFi is available).

The advent of VOIP also allows near-instant communication via the Internet even when cellular service is unavailable. It is easier now than ever for people to stay closer (digitally) to their loved ones when they are physically far apart. Skype, FaceTime, Facebook Messenger Calls, Viber Calls, and WhatsApp calls all give people robust capabilities to utilize the Internet as a platform for global communication. This also translates into the business world where it is not uncommon for global companies to interview clients or prospective personnel using VOIP and messaging apps. Additionally, social media, forums, and the interactive Web 2.0 allow people from all over the world to connect, meet, learn, and grow together over a digital medium. Technology has even transformed certain common behaviors associated with learning about the world and connecting with people around the world. Pen pals, for instance, have largely been replaced with “key pals,” and instead of people going to language centers to learn a language, people often turn to YouTube or podcasts to learn about other cultures and languages.

The effects are not all positive, however. While technology has helped to bridge a global gap by connecting people via the digital world, those who are physically close together are often far apart due to their inability to separate themselves from their mobile devices. This is called Virtual Distance. Additionally, modern Technology is often linked to an over exposure to EMFs, and is linked to excessive blue light exposure, while developing children not only face possible cognitive changes due to constant exposure to the above factors, but often grow up in a possibly more isolated manner due to constantly being “wired” to their smart devices instead of physically spending time with friends.

The latest technologies are shaping the way we communicate with each other and also the way people behave, grow, evolve and develop as individuals and also in connected societies.

It is important to stay focused on the true purpose of life and avoid distractions and distortions caused by multiple technologies that are evolving at a rapid pace.

This has also altered the way humans interact and connect with each other. There are many positive outcomes of using all these technologies, but the negative part also does exist. Too much communication and too little communication can lead to problems in human relationships.

Virtual distances between people are growing rapidly and some prefer to live in the digital world, rather than facing the real world. Some people are having shallow and meaningless relationships due to the influence of technology.

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