Journal of Machine and Computing

Research on Improved LSTM and Deep Learning Intrusion Detection Algorithms

Journal of Machine and Computing

Received On : 10 May 2024

Revised On : 23 August 2024

Accepted On : 30 September 2024

Volume 05, Issue 01

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Purpose: These days, network security concerns are becoming more and more important due to the Internet's quick de-velopment. The goal of this article is to enhance the feature extraction and classification accuracy of network intrusion detection models by addressing the issues of low classification accuracy and weak generalization ability of current mod-els in the field. Methods: A deep learning network intrusion detection model and an LSTM model based on convolution-al neural networks (CNN) and weight dropout, abbreviated as AWD-CNN-LSTM, are creatively proposed. This model effectively extracts nonlinear features from the dataset using CNN, and temporal features from the dataset using LSTM. To alleviate overfitting caused by data imbalance, GP-GAN is introduced to oversample rare types of data, further en-hancing the model's generalization ability. The proposed intrusion detection model was experimentally tested on the NSL-KDD dataset. The experimental results showed that the proposed method has better accuracy compared to traditional ma-chine learning methods such as SVM and K-Means, as well as deep learning methods such as convolutional neural net-works, regardless of whether it is related to random forests. The improved accuracy and F1 score performance suggest that the IDS model suggested in this article has some practical value and can be used to enhance network security protection capabilities through network intrusion detection.


Network Security, AWD-CNN-LSTM, GP-GAN, Deep Learning, Intrusion Detection Systems.

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Baoguo Liu, Eric B. Blancaflor and Mideth Abisado, “Research on Improved LSTM and Deep Learning Intrusion Detection Algorithms”, Journal of Machine and Computing. doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202505006.


© 2025 Baoguo Liu, Eric B. Blancaflor and Mideth Abisado. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.