Journal of Machine and Computing

Beyond The Gradebook: Machine Learning and LMS Data for True Student Performance

Journal of Machine and Computing

Received On : 12 July 2024

Revised On : 30 November 2024

Accepted On : 13 December 2024

Published On : 05 January 2025

Volume 05, Issue 01

Pages : 539-550


Analyzing student’s behavior for performance prediction involves examining various data points and indicators to predict academic outcomes. This research uses the learner’s activity tracker tool collected dataset, which contains three different sets of features including demographic, academic background, and behavior features. This approach combines these data to predict students’ performance based on behavior, providing insights that can help in creating personalized learning experiences. A hybrid ML model is developed to improve the student’s performance prediction. The hybrid ML model combines the ensemble feature selector with Optimized with support vector machine (SVM) classifier. The Linear Neural network (NN) model is used to form a three-layered feature extraction (FE) model. This approach uses ensemble feature selector to select the influential features from the Linear NN extracted features map. Finally, an optimized SVM classifier is developed to predict the students’ performance. The optimized SVM model uses the GridSearchCV method to optimize the regularization parameter (‘C’-value) and kernel options of the SVM model to improve the prediction performance. The performance evaluation analysis shows that the LNN-Ensemble-Optimized SVM based students’ performance prediction approach achieves higher accuracy (98.12%), precision (98.51%), recall (99.23%), f-score (98.1%) rate than comparison approaches on LMS data.


Deep Learning, Ensemble Feature Selector, Linear Neural Network, Machine Learning, Students’ Performance Prediction, Support Vector Machine.

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CRediT Author Statement

The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows:

Conceptualization: Varsha Ganesh and Umarani S; Methodology: Varsha Ganesh and Umarani S; Writing- Original Draft Preparation: Varsha Ganesh and Umarani S; Visualization: Varsha Ganesh; Supervision: Umarani S; Validation: Varsha Ganesh and Umarani S; All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.


Author(s) thanks to Dr. Umarani S for this research completion and support.


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Varsha Ganesh and Umarani S, “Beyond The Gradebook: Machine Learning and LMS Data for True Student Performance”, Journal of Machine and Computing, vol.5, no.1, pp. 539-550, January 2025, doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202505042.


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