Journal of Machine and Computing

Decentralised Secure and Privacy Establishment in Vanet Using Key Encrypted Block Chain Scheme

Journal of Machine and Computing

Received On : 18 May 2024

Revised On : 22 July 2024

Accepted On : 22 September 2024

Volume 05, Issue 01

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Using blockchain technology and smart transportation gadgets, this paper proposes the next-generation VANET system. While VANET has many advantages, it must first be improved in areas such as security and privacy if it is to be widely adopted. Nearby vehicles periodically exchange events providing their unique identifiers, locations, speeds, and statuses. Using key cryptography, it must verify the legitimacy of each car in the network before allowing it to participate, and it must take the blame for any malicious activity that occurs on the road. Due to the fast speeds of vehicles, limited communication capacity, and delay sensitive applications, traditional centralised security solutions are not applicable in VANET. The purpose of this study is to imagine a new blockchain protocol for secure event transactions in a virtual autonomous network (VANET). Blockchain is a distributed ledger system that facilitates resource tracking and administration without the need for a central authority. Therefore, a blockchain-based solution that offers transparency, tamper resistance, and immutability is preferable in a VANET scenario.


Block Chain, VANET, Key Encryption, SHA Algorithm, Consensus, Merkle Tree.

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Shaik Mulla Almas, Kavitha K and Kalavathi Alla, “Decentralised Secure and Privacy Establishment in Vanet Using Key Encrypted Block Chain Scheme”, Journal of Machine and Computing. doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202505004.


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