Journal of Machine and Computing

Deep Learning-Based Quantitative Assessment of Multimodal Features using Lenet Model

Journal of Machine and Computing

Received On : 29 April 2024

Revised On : 10 October 2024

Accepted On : 26 November 2024

Published On : 05 January 2025

Volume 05, Issue 01

Pages : 374-385


Deep learning is used by many applications that are currently the latest technology in evert aspect. Ischemic sensation is a prompt emergency that has necessities to diagnose and treatment it by various deep learning models. For properly detect the stoke must be identifies their feasibility and their risk assessment to make it more early and efficient treatment. Essentially it develops automated methods for identifying and segmented stroke lesions. The MRI images give the good outcomes for early prediction of disease though the various machine learning and deep learning techniques. With the help of MRI images, it provides no ionizing radiation that is used in the imaging method. It develops automated methods which develop and identify the segmented stroke lesions. The various deep learning methods such as the accuracy as in terms of outcome obtained for the brain stroke prediction in the field of IOT and deep learning that improved the performance. In this research the image datasets samples are used to test model by the feature engineering model has been proposed to deploy the MRI images using preprocessing algorithm. The various machine learning algorithms such Dense121, ResNet121, Exception, VGG-16, LeNet etc. These features are trained and validated by pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNN). The best classification result has been selected by deploying IMV. The proposed work achieved and computed accuracy as in terms such as for Le_Net is 99.4 which is deep learning model.


Brain Stroke, Deep Learning, Healthcare, MRI, Stoke Prediction.

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CRediT Author Statement

The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows:

Conceptualization: Devi T, Ritu Aggarwal, Swathiramya R, Padmashri N, Ebinezer M J D, Suje S A; Methodology: Devi T, Ritu Aggarwal, Swathiramya R, Padmashri N, Ebinezer M J D, Suje S A; Writing- Original Draft Preparation: Devi T, Ritu Aggarwal, Swathiramya R; Validation: Ebinezer M J D, Suje S A; All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.


The authors would like to thank to the reviewers for nice comments on the manuscript.


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Devi T, Ritu Aggarwal, Swathiramya R, Padmashri N, Ebinezer M J D and Suje S A, “Deep Learning-Based Quantitative Assessment of Multimodal Features using Lenet Model”, Journal of Machine and Computing, vol.5, no.1, pp. 374-385, January 2025, doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202505029.


© 2025 Devi T, Ritu Aggarwal, Swathiramya R, Padmashri N, Ebinezer M J D and Suje S A. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.