Journal of Machine and Computing

Integrating Homomorphic Encryption with Blockchain for Privacy Preserving Communication on the Internet of Vehicles

Journal of Machine and Computing

Received On : 18 July 2024

Revised On : 31 August 2024

Accepted On : 20 November 2024

Published On : 05 January 2025

Volume 05, Issue 01

Pages : 331-342


The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) has emerged as a transformative technology, enabling seamless communication among vehicles and infrastructure to improve road safety, traffic efficiency, and passenger comfort. However, the pervasive collection and exchange of data in IoV environments raise significant privacy concerns, as sensitive information about vehicle locations, driving patterns, and personal preferences may be exposed to unauthorized parties. To address these challenges, this study proposes a novel approach that integrates homomorphic encryption with blockchain to ensure privacy-preserving communication in IoV networks. IoV networks rely on the continuous exchange of data among vehicles, roadside units, and centralized servers to support various applications, including traffic management, navigation, and emergency services. However, the centralized nature of traditional communication architectures poses inherent privacy risks, as sensitive data may be vulnerable to interception, tampering, or unauthorized access. Data integrity was ensured through blockchain storage, with an observed tamper-proof rate of 99.9%, effectively preventing unauthorized access or manipulation of exchanged messages. Despite the additional computational overhead introduced by homomorphic encryption and blockchain operations, our system maintained efficient communication capabilities, achieving an average latency of 50 milliseconds and a throughput of 1000 messages per second. Moreover, scalability was demonstrated as our framework seamlessly accommodated an increasing number of vehicles and communication nodes, with observed linear scalability up to 100,000 connected vehicles. Security analyses revealed robust protection against eavesdropping, data tampering, and replay attacks, with a detection rate exceeding 98%. Overall, our results underscore the viability and effectiveness of our integrated approach in providing privacy-preserving communication for IoV networks, paving the way for secure and resilient connected transportation systems. As IoV continues to evolve, our approach can contribute to the development of privacy-enhancing technologies that empower users to fully leverage the benefits of connected transportation while safeguarding their privacy rights.


Internet of Vehicles (IoV), Homomorphic Encryption, Blockchain, Privacy Preservation, Data Integrity, Efficiency, Scalability, Security Analysis, Decentralized Communication, Privacy-Enhancing Technologies.

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Kyung-A Choi, “Integrating Homomorphic Encryption with Blockchain for Privacy Preserving Communication on the Internet of Vehicles”, Journal of Machine and Computing, vol.5, no.1, pp. 331-342, January 2025, doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202505025.


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