Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, University College of Engineering, Science and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
The rise of cloud computing has changed how individuals and organizations store and communicate data, but it additionally caused significant concerns about information security and confidentiality. In order to improve data protection and allow covert communication in cloud environments, this research suggests a unique approach that combines spread spectrum steganography with isogeny-based cryptography as a solution to these problems. The main goal is to make it less difficult for two users, User 1 and User 2, to communicate private data that is kept in a cloud infrastructure through safe and covert data transfer. This technology depends on isogeny-based cryptography, which creates safe channels of communication between users by taking use of the mathematical features of isogenies of elliptic curves. Additionally, this technique provides protection from quantum assaults, consequently boosting data security. Spread Spectrum Steganography (SSIS), the second element, is used to secretly include shared secrets inside digital images. To protect secrets, SSIS encrypts, duplicates, interleaves, and employs pseudorandom noise sequences as carriers. The noise in the stegoimage is then removed with a filter to approximate the original image. By performing this, the stegoimage is made integrate in with the original, thereby hiding the secrets. Users 1 and 2 can safely share information by combining spread spectrum steganography and isogeny-based cryptography, reducing potential risks associated with parties that are unreliable. Spread spectrum steganography provides the covert hiding of transmitted secrets inside digital images, while isogeny-based cryptography provides secure communication channels. These methods are combined to build an effective structure for private and secure data sharing in cloud settings. This novel method solves important concerns about data security, secrecy, and covert communication, and thus makes a significant addition to the developing field of cloud computing security.
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CRediT Author Statement
The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows:
Conceptualization: Shivaramakrishna D and Nagaratna M;
Methodology: Shivaramakrishna D and Nagaratna M;
Software: Shivaramakrishna D and Nagaratna M;
Data Curation: Nagaratna M;
Visualization: Shivaramakrishna D and Nagaratna M;
Validation: Shivaramakrishna D and Nagaratna M;
Writing- Reviewing and Editing: Shivaramakrishna D and Nagaratna M;
All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Author(s) thanks to Dr. Nagaratna M for this research completion and support.
No funding was received to assist with the preparation of this manuscript.
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Shivaramakrishna D
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
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Shivaramakrishna D and Nagaratna M, “Enhancing Data Protection and Covert Communication in Cloud Environments with Isogeny Based Cryptography and Spread Spectrum Steganography”, Journal of Machine and Computing, vol.5, no.1, pp. 307-320, January 2025, doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202505023.