Sustainable Food Development Based on Ensemble Machine Learning Assisted Crop and Fertilizer Recommendation System
Komala Devi K
Komala Devi K
Cambridge Institute of Technology, Visvesveraya Technological University, Belagavi, India and Department of ISE, CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India.
Cambridge Institute of Technology, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, India and Department of CSE, Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India.
Agriculture is the most vital sector for the global food supply, and it also provides raw materials for other types of industries. A crop recommendation system is essential for farmers who want to get the most out of their crop-choosing decisions. Over the last several decades, the world's ability to produce food has grown substantially owing to the extensive usage of fertilizers. Therefore, there has to be a more eco-friendly and effective way to utilize fertilizers that include nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K) to ensure food security. For the reason, this study proposes an ensemble machine learning–assisted crop and fertilizer recommendation system (EML–CFRS) to maximize agricultural output while ensuring the correct use of mineral resources. The research used a dataset obtained from the Kaggle repository like that people can assess several distinct ML algorithms. The databases include data on three climate variables—temperature, rainfall, and humidity—and information on NPK and soil pH. The yields agricultural crops were used to train these models, including Decision Tree, KNN, XGBoost, Support Vector Machine, and Random Forest. Depending on the current weather and soil conditions, the trained model may then recommend the optimal fertiliser for a certain crop. Predicting the ideal kind and quantity of fertilizer for different crops was accomplished with a 96.5% accuracy rate by our suggested strategy.
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Komala Devi K
Komala Devi K
Cambridge Institute of Technology, Visvesveraya Technological University, Belagavi-590018, India and Department of ISE, CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru-560037, India.
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Komala Devi K and Josephine Prem Kumar, “Sustainable Food Development Based on Ensemble Machine Learning Assisted Crop and Fertilizer Recommendation System", Journal of Machine and Computing, vol.4, no.2, pp. 317-326, April 2024. doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202404030.