The most significant method is intrusion detection, which improves privacy concerns about client authentication and authorization. No matter what is done to enhance security intelligence, vulnerability has also increased in the modern era. The major role is to predict those vulnerabilities and improve security enhancements by using blockchain methods to enhance privacy concerns. In the corporation, banking, or healthcare system, the major issues are data spoofing, cyber security issues, and viruses affecting confidential data or breaking the shield of data protection. Enhance authorization and authentication by connecting the fog cloud and using the blockchain to protect privacy. In the transition of data, attackers may increase their attacks using various forms. Even if the data is transformed, attackers can easily access it and break the confidentiality of the entire massive database. FCBS (Fog Cloud Blockchain Server) will prevent data vulnerability by using FCS (Fog Cloud Server) modalities for data access. It consists of two segments, AuC (Authentication) and AuT (authorization) during the processing of data. BC (blockchain) addresses the data functionality and enhances the FCS security intelligence in two parts. By preventing the vulnerability earlier, no FC (Fog Cloud) data will be affected. To ensure data protection is reliable and accurate by handing over the AuC and AuT.
Handover Authentication, Blockchain, Privacy Preserving, Fog Cloud Blockchain Server, Fog Cloud, Authentication, Authorization.
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Vincent Arokiam Arul Raja V
Vincent Arokiam Arul Raja V
Department of Computer Science, Government Arts College, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.
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Vincent Arokiam Arul Raja V and Senthamarai C, “Security Intelligence Enhanced by Blockchain Data Transitions and Effective Handover Authentication", Journal of Machine and Computing, vol.4, no.2, pp. 371-380, April 2024. doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202404035.