Journal of Machine and Computing

An in Depth Analysis of Blockchain Technology and its Potential Industrial Applications

Journal of Machine and Computing

Received On : 18 April 2023

Revised On : 28 July 2023

Accepted On : 26 August 2023

Published On : 05 October 2023

Volume 03, Issue 04

Pages : 534-544


The emergence of blockchain technology represents a significant advancement in the field of computer science. Blockchain, an innovative technology that functions as a decentralized and publicly accessible record of all financial transactions, has significantly transformed the manner in which commercial activities are conducted. Companies and large- scale technology corporations have started substantial investments in the blockchain industry, a sector that experts forecast will exceed a valuation of $3 trillion during the next five-year period. The surge in its popularity may be ascribed to its robust security measures and comprehensive resolution for all issues pertaining to digital identity. The system in question is a decentralized digital ledger. A blockchain refers to an immutable and decentralized ledger composed of blocks, which function as collections of entries. The interconnection among these blocks is secured using encryption. The blockchain technology is captivating due to its inherent qualities, and it has significant potential in several domains owing to its desired attributes such as decentralization, transparency, and irreversibility. While blockchain technology is now most prominently associated with cryptocurrency, it has a diverse array of potential applications. This article aims to explore the many applications of blockchain in the domains of voting mechanisms, Internet of Things (IoT), supply chains, and identity management.


Blockchain Technology, Distributed Ledger Technology, Decentralized Ledger, Voting Mechanism, IoT Management, Supply Chain Management, Identity Management.

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Authors thanks to Department of Computer Engineering for this research support.


This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea Government (MSIT (No.2022R1F1A1063340)).

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Yangsun Lee, “An in Depth Analysis of Blockchain Technology and its Potential Industrial Applications”, Journal of Machine and Computing, vol.3, no.4, pp. 534-544, October 2023. doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202303045.


© 2023 Yangsun Lee. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.