Journal of Machine and Computing

Comparative Analysis of Transaction Speed and Throughput in Blockchain and Hashgraph: A Performance Study for Distributed Ledger Technologies

Journal of Machine and Computing

Received On : 20 March 2023

Revised On : 18 July 2023

Accepted On : 12 August 2023

Published On : 05 October 2023

Volume 03, Issue 04

Pages : 497-504


Blockchain technology garners significant attention and recognition due to several key advantages it offers. Trust, reliability, speed, and transparency are among the prominent benefits that contribute to its growing prominence. The decentralized nature of blockchain allows for a high level of trust as transactions are recorded and verified by multiple participants across the network. This, in turn, enhances reliability as there is no single point of failure. Speed is also a notable advantage, particularly when compared to traditional systems that involve intermediaries and complex processes for verification. Blockchain enables faster and more efficient transaction processing, reducing delays and costs. This research paper aims to provide a comprehensive comparative analysis of two prominent distributed ledger technologies, namely blockchain and hashgraph. Both blockchain and hashgraph offer decentralized and secure systems for recording and validating transactions or information. It explores the underlying mechanisms, consensus algorithms, advantages, and limitations of these technologies. It also examines their potential applications and discusses the implications of their respective design choices. By understanding the nuances of blockchain and hashgraph, seeks to contribute to the ongoing discourse on distributed ledger technologies and aids in decision-making for their appropriate adoption in various domains and applications.


Blockchain, Hash Graph, Distributed Ledger Technologies, Consensus Algorithm, and Decentralized Systems.

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Dinesh Kumar K, Duraimutharasan N, Shanthi HJ, Vennila G, Prabu Shankar B and Senthil P, “Comparative Analysis of Transaction Speed and Throughput in Blockchain and Hashgraph: A Performance Study for Distributed Ledger Technologies”, Journal of Machine and Computing, vol.3, no.4, pp. 497-504, October 2023. doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202303041.


© 2023 Dinesh Kumar K, Duraimutharasan N, Shanthi HJ, Vennila G, Prabu Shankar B and Senthil P. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.