Journal of Machine and Computing

A Recommendation of a System Integrated With Edge Nodes, Multi-Cloud Instance and Decision-Making Mechanism for Voting System

Journal of Machine and Computing

Received On : 25 January 2022

Revised On : 20 March 2022

Accepted On : 12 May 2022

Published On : 05 July 2022

Volume 02, Issue 03

Pages : 114-123


Edge Computing (EC) services and hardware help mitigate issues by being a local resource of storage and processing for various systems. Edge gateway, for instance, is capable of processing datasets from edge devices, and then sending only essential datasets back via the cloud systems, hence minimizing the bandwidth required. Or it can send data to the edge device in case of actual-time application needs. Individual users are served through a distributed computing system that includes data processing and storage as part of the edge computing concept. An important role is played by the framework in the IoT (Internet - Of - things) area (IoT). Fully distributed edge clouds raise additional issues, such as the potential for recovery and privacy breaches. Our solution is based on multi-cloud installations and the edge nodes, which are essential for a voting mechanism in this article. In order to verify calculations that occur in the centralised environment, it is advised to use the edge networking.


Edge Computing (EC), Internet of Things (IoT), Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT), Cloud Environment.

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Kanev Boris Lisitsa, “A Recommendation of a System Integrated With Edge Nodes, Multi-Cloud Instance and Decision-Making Mechanism for Voting System”, Journal of Machine and Computing, vol.2, no.3, pp. 114-123, July 2022. doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202202016.


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