Journal of Machine and Computing

Green Infrastructure and Manufacturing: Analysis of IE and SM Innovations for Future Generations

Journal of Machine and Computing

Received On : 25 December 2020

Revised On : 30 January 2021

Accepted On : 26 March 2021

Published On : 05 April 2021

Volume 01, Issue 02

Pages : 097-105


This paper focusses on SM, which is an innovation for the future generation of industries. In manufacturing, Sustainable Manufacturing (SM) is a significant aspect that deals with the functioning, designing, productivity, profitability and competitiveness. It is considered that future ecological and better ecological performance practices will base more in designs and manufacturing priorities for enhancing manufacturing developments and advancements. Decision makers, manufacturers and designers who have to practice more and launch sustainable cultures in industries will basically remain successful in their segments since there are a major necessity of the modern age and the future. Moreover, extensive research and analysis is require to future improve and enhance the comprehension of better ecological performance in industrial manufacturing.


Industrial Ecology (IE), Sustainable Manufacturing (SM), Greenhouse Gas (GHG)

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The authors would like to thank to the reviewers for nice comments on the manuscript.


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Bukuroshe Elira, “Green Infrastructure and Manufacturing: Analysis of IE and SM Innovations for Future Generations”, Journal of Machine and Computing, vol.1, no.2, pp. 097-105, April 2021. doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202101011.


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