Journal of Machine and Computing

Fault Analysis for Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) in Machining

Journal of Machine and Computing

Received On : 15 October 2020

Revised On : 23 November 2020

Accepted On : 25 December 2020

Published On : 05 January 2021

Volume 01, Issue 01

Pages : 029-038


Serviceability, functionality, reliability and maintainability functions are useful in the engineering industry as functions that span the life cycle of engineered products. Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), in this case, is an element of equipment design, operation and installation that are expressed based on maintainability of the economy, product functionality, accuracy and safety in product performance and maintenance actions. This research uses plant examples (Balbina hydroelectric plant for FTA analysis and Flat Rock Assembly Plant) for RCM to discuss the functions. An evaluation of Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is provided with an overview of its reliability and equipment effectiveness, which can be attained based on the implementation of wide-range initiatives and activities such as adoption of novel equipment, condition monitoring, root cause focus, standardization, design maintainability, long-term planning and general product upgradability.


Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), Serviceability, functionality, maintainability, upgradability

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Author(s) thanks to Dr.Nobuyuki Hozumi for this research completion and support.


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Toshihiro Endo and Nobuyuki Hozumi, “Fault Analysis for Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) in Machining”, Journal of Machine and Computing, vol.1, no.1, pp. 029-038, January 2021. doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202101004.


© 2021 Toshihiro Endo and Nobuyuki Hozumi. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.