Journal of Computational Intelligence in Materials Science

Energy Utilization and Conversion in Modern Biomass Conversion Technologies

Journal of Computational Intelligence in Materials Science

Received On : 10 September 2023

Revised On : 02 November 2023

Accepted On : 12 December 2023

Published On : 06 January 2024

Volume 02, 2024

Pages : 001-011


This paper provides a review on the current state of biomass conversion technologies that are in use and those that could play a significant role in the future, such as those that might be linked to carbon dioxide (CO2) collection and sequestered technology. Since the transportation industry is poised to become the most important new market for large-scale efficient biomass usage, here is where most of the focus will be placed. Bio-energy contribution, now estimated at 40EJ to 55 EJ per year, is expected to expand significantly in the future. Nevertheless, the precise objective of bio-energy will be dependent on the competitiveness aspect with bio-fuels and on agriculture policy globally. For the rest of this century as least, observations suggest a range of 200–300 EJ, rendering biomass a more significant alternatives of energy supply compared to mineral oil. The need to update bio-energy practices so they are compatible with sustainable development strategies is a major concern. It is expected that within the next two to three decades, the cost of electricity generated using sophisticated conversion concepts (such as gasification and contemporary co-firing and gasification) and contemporary biomass sourced fuels (e.g., hydrogen, methanol, and ethyl alcohol from the lignocellulosic biomass) will be competitive with conventional energy sources (partly based on price development with petroleum). An even more efficient and cost-effective biofuel production system may be developed from sugarcane-centric ethanol within the tropical climates.


Biomass conversion, co-firing, combustion, bio-oil extraction, gasification, digestion.

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The authors would like to thank to the reviewers for nice comments on the manuscript.


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Nancy Jan Sliper, “Energy Utilization and Conversion in Modern Biomass Conversion Technologies”, Journal of Computational Intelligence in Materials Science, vol.2, pp. 001-011, 2024. doi: 10.53759/832X/JCIMS202402001.


© 2024 Nancy Jan Sliper. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.