Journal of Computational Intelligence in Materials Science

Editor Guidelines


The Editor-in-Chief is a head of the journal and their discipline. They supervise journal activities, with the aim to ensure success of the journal within the scientific community.

The Editor-in-Chief handles the scientific quality and development of the journal. The Editor-in-Chief is expected to support connection to the Editorial Board and assist the Editorial Office in the management of the journal.

EiC responsibilities

  • Nominating new Editorial Board Members.
  • Overseeing Journal activities and providing suggestions for the Journal betterment.
  • Overview Article submissions.
  • Assessing Special Issue proposals.
  • Posting the decisions.
  • Endorsing the Journal in academic meetings for more exposure.
  • Ensuring compliance with AnaPub Publications policies.
  • Supporting Publication Production.
  • Contribution of editorials on the current topics as per their time limit.

Responsibilities of Editorial Board Members

Editors/Board Members have a responsibility to support the integrity of the published literature, if needed, by publishing errata or corrections identifying anything of significance, retractions, and expressions of concern as quickly as possible. Editor must follow the policy guidelines provided by the publisher and fulfil the responsibilities bestowed upon with integrity.

Managing Editor

Managing Editors propose journal development plan for Editor-in-Chief’s consideration, execute the plan after it is approved by the Editor-in-Chief, prepare journal development reports to the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board, identify important and interesting topics in the journal’s research field, commission high-quality articles, pre-screen new submissions before sending it to Academic Editors for pre-check, call Academic Editors’ attention to potential author/reviewer misconducts, draft short news and research highlights. Managing Editors assist all Academic Editors, monitor assistant and production editors, and overall push forward the journal.

Assistant Editor

Assistant Editors liaise with authors, reviewers and Academic Editors on manuscript basis, do light copyediting, organize peer review, report any suspected author/reviewer misconducts to Managing Editors, assist Managing Editors in journal data collection.