For the past couple years, blockchain technique has been growing as a technique for providing innovative services in various commercial applications, including medical sectors like smart healthcare systems. The blockchain technique is effectively implemented in the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), patient’s electronic health record systems, precise disease detection, and so on. It not only provides efficient data management functionalities such as data storage and exchanging of medical data among various parties involved in the healthcare system but also resolves several privacy and security-related issues of doctor’s and patients’ sensitive medical data meritoriously. With the help of several cryptographic algorithms and data decentralization methods, such as smart contracts, blockchain is used to ensure health data confidentiality without imposing third-party activities. For the privacy and security analysis of blockchain oriented healthcare systems, both asymmetric and symmetric key cryptographic mechanisms are applied in public and private blockchain mechanisms in order to increase the inclusive performance of secured healthcare systems. This paper's problem statement aims to detect the significant issues and challenges of blockchain-based healthcare systems from a general point of view, as well as security and privacy-related points of view. A comprehensive guideline to handle those issues and challenges is also explained in this paper very carefully. Furthermore, a comparative study of blockchain-oriented healthcare systems is discussed in this article to segregate our research involvement and current studies being conducted in this corresponding area.
Blockchain Technology, Privacy and Security, Issues and Challenges, Medical Data Management, Healthcare System, Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
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Subhra Prosun Paul
Subhra Prosun Paul
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Uttara University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, South Asia.
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Subhra Prosun Paul, Subba Reddy, Helaria Maria, Balaji T, Balamurugan A G and Radha Mothukuri, “Integrating IoMT and Block chain in Smart Healthcare: Challenges and Solutions”, Journal of Machine and Computing, vol.4, no.4, pp. 1170-1179, October 2024. doi:10.53759/7669/jmc202404108.