Journal of Machine and Computing

Enhancing the Vehicular Public Key Infrastructure to Develop Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme for VANET by Using PCM and MSS Scheme

Journal of Machine and Computing

Received On : 31 March 2024

Revised On : 12 July 2024

Accepted On : 31 July 2024

Published On : 05 October 2024

Volume 04, Issue 04

Pages : 1044-1057


This article proposes a security-based authentication as well as efficient certificate management approach for VANET to detect fraudulent nodes with better precision, less latency and overhead. The primary purpose of the developed system is to establish effectual and heftiness of VANET security that lead to the stability of overall network. VANETs are composed of vehicles and Road Side Units (RSUs) assisting with network management and the vehicles connect with one another and RSUs to furnish roadside information and safety solutions. Security is an essential factor in VANETs because the confidentiality of humans (passengers) is paramount; hence, Vehicular Public Key Infrastructure (VPKI) is utilised to offer authentication and safety services in VANETs. The developed structure provides an encrypted VANET transmission infrastructure by utilising the concepts of Merkle Signature Scheme (MSS) and Pseudo-code Certificate Management (PCM) to minimise overhead for communication and latency while ensuring entity authenticity. Messages are authenticated by sender, encoded with a vehicular public key distributed by a PCM-MSS and decrypted by the destination, resulting in every transmission including a certification from a reliable authority. During that verification, the transmitter and receiver of message’s authentication and validation is accomplished. Simulation findings show that the proposed approach improves the reliability of identifying hostile nodes and PDR while reducing authentication delays and overhead.


VANETs, RSUs, Pseudo-Code Certificate Management (PCM), Merkle Signature Scheme (MSS), Vehicular Public Key Infrastructure (VPKI).

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Jyothi N and Sujatha Terdal, “Enhancing the Vehicular Public Key Infrastructure to Develop Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme for VANET by Using PCM and MSS Scheme”, Journal of Machine and Computing, pp. 1044-1057, October 2024. doi:10.53759/7669/jmc202404097.


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