Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has top-notch capacity for numerous domains of utility due to the potential to sense and apprehend unattended environments. IoT is playing an increasingly more essential position in clever healthcare, smart transportation and elegant grid using WSN. Therefore, challenges like privacy and data security associated with IoT wireless sensor networks because of sensor node being captured easily, consume less computing energy and low storage. Designing a secure authentication scheme will enable secure communication in WSN. Here, we proposed a improved three-factor authentication scheme for WSN utilizing biometric, password and smart card withstand against security attacks. Subsequently, by comparing the security, functional and performance parameters of our proposed scheme to the other schemes, our scheme provides better and efficient one. Therefore, our scheme is fairly workout in real time IoT applications involved in WSN scenario.
Session Key, Internet of Things, Mutual Authentication, ECC, Biometric, Wireless Sensor Network.
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Ramesh Sengodan
Ramesh Sengodan
Presidency School of Computer Science and Engineering, Presidency University,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
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Ramesh Sengodan, “An Improved and Secured 3-Factor Authentication Scheme for WSN
in IoT based Applications”, Journal of Machine and Computing, vol.4, no.4, pp. 953-961, October 2024. doi:10.53759/7669/jmc202404088.