Journal of Machine and Computing

New Trust Based Smart Data Forwarding Mechanism in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network

Journal of Machine and Computing

Received On : 12 March 2024

Revised On : 06 June 2024

Accepted On : 04 July 2024

Published On : 05 October 2024

Volume 04, Issue 04

Pages : 830-840


Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network (VDTN) is the growing field with a considerable possibility to handle future wireless application’s requirements. Using vehicles for the data communication purpose can be contemplated as a substitute for the wired and wireless systems. This paper proposes a trust-based data forwarding mechanism for Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network (VDTN). Data forwarding in VDTN requires every vehicular or stationary node to participate in data forwarding. But some time malicious nodes show non-cooperative behaviour in data forwarding. Therefore, malicious nodes must be identified specifically to accelerate the data forwarding. A threshold based social skeleton membership process along with new trust-based data forwarding mechanism is proposed in this paper. We reveal that the social skeleton members perform better in data forwarding in terms of data delivery ratio, data delay and data overhead. Simulation results demonstrate that the trust-based data forwarding improves the data delivery ratio with trust-based data forwarding approach. After simulation a comparative analysis of two different scenarios is presented with epidemic routing, prophet routing and spray and wait routing.


Opportunistic Networks, Social Skeleton, Threshold, Trust Based, Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network.

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Author(s) thanks to Dr. Amit Kant Pandit for this research completion and support.


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Seema Jangra and Amit Kant Pandit, “New Trust Based Smart Data Forwarding Mechanism in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network”, Journal of Machine and Computing, pp. 830-840, October 2024. doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202404077.


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