Human activity recognition (HAR) is an active research area in computer vision from past several years and research is still continuing in this field due to the unavailability of perfect recognition system. The human activity recognition system it covers e-health, patient monitoring, assistive daily living activities, video surveillance, security and behaviour analysis, and sports analysis. Many researchers have suggested techniques that use visual perception to detect human activities. Researchers will need to address problems including light variations in human activity detection, interclass similarity between scenes, the surroundings and recording setting, and temporal variation in order to construct an efficient vision-based human activity recognition system. However, a significant drawback of many deep learning models is their inability to achieve satisfactory results in real-world scenarios due to the conflicts mentioned above. To address this challenge, we developed a hybrid HAR-CNN classifier aimed at enhancing the learning outcomes of Deep CNNs by combining two models: Improved CNN and VGG-19. Using the KTH dataset, we collected 6,000 images for training, validation, and testing of our proposed technique. Our research findings indicate that the Hybrid HAR-CNN model, which combines Improved CNN with VGG-19 Net, outperforms individual deep learning models such as Improved CNN and VGG-19 Net.
Human activity, Improved CNN, deep learning, activity recognition and artificial intelligence.
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Shakti Kundu
Shakti Kundu
School of Engineering and Technology, BML Munjal University, Kapriwas, Haryana, India.
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Venugopal Rao A, Santosh Kumar Vishwakarma, Shakti Kundu and Varun Tiwari, “Hybrid HAR-CNN Model: A Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network Model for Predicting and Recognizing the Human Activity Recognition", Journal of Machine and Computing, vol.4, no.2, pp. 419-430, April 2024. doi: 10.53759/7669/jmc202404040.