Journal of Robotics Spectrum

Robot Docking and Charging Techniques in Real Time Deep Learning Model

Journal of Robotics Spectrum

Received On : 06 November 2023

Revised On : 18 December 2023

Accepted On : 26 January 2024

Published On : 30 January 2024

Volume 02, 2024

Pages : 013-022


This article describes various approaches that utilize computer vision and Lidar technology. These approaches include, but not limited to, vision-based algorithms such as the Faster RCNN model and AprilTag; and single shot detectors (SSD). In carrying out docking and recharging operations, the aforementioned approaches have shown varying degrees of success and accuracy. In order to make it easier for mobile robot systems to perform autonomous docking and recharging (ADaR) in industrial settings, this study presents a new method that employs vision and Lidar technology. In this study, we propose the YOLOv7 deep learning model to find charging stations. To further simplify docking with the specified wireless charging station, a Lidar-based approach is used to precisely modify the robot's position. An account of the assessment standards and training procedure used for the adjusted YOLOv7 model is provided in the results and discussion section. In this research, it was found that the model's 86.5% mean Average Precision (mAP) within the IoU range of 0.5 to 0.9 is evidence of its efficacy. In addition, the detection and identification of charging stations had an average accuracy rate of 95% in the studies conducted in real-world settings.


Autonomous Docking and Recharging, Single Shot Detectors, Automated Driving Systems, Mobile Robots, Computer Vision, Mean Average Precision.

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Michel Alain and Amado Paul, “Robot Docking and Charging Techniques in Real Time Deep Learning Model”, Journal of Robotics Spectrum, vol.2, pp. 013-022, 2024. doi: 10.53759/9852/JRS202402002.


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