Journal of Robotics Spectrum

Advancements in Robotic Systems and Human Robot Interaction for Industry 4.0

Journal of Robotics Spectrum

Received On : 12 May 2023

Revised On : 30 June 2023

Accepted On : 10 July 2023

Published On : 15 July 2023

Volume 01, 2023

Pages : 100-110


Robotic systems are software and algorithms used to mechanize iterative human processes. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) operates based on simple principles and business logic, enabling it to engage with various information systems by using pre-existing graphical user interfaces. The process is the use of non-invasive software robots, often referred to as “bots,” to automate actions that are repetitive in nature and governed by predefined rules. The integration of data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), process mining, and cognitive computing is now being used to expand the capabilities of RPA, enabling it to do more intricate jobs. This study investigates the progress made in robotic systems and the interaction between humans and robots in Industry 4.0 context. The paper examines the use of RPA, the incorporation of AI into robotic systems, and the advancement of autonomous driving and mobile robots. The study also emphasizes the significance of efficient human-robot interaction strategies and the possible influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on the prospective progress of intelligent and independent service robots. Furthermore, this study delves into the obstacles and forecasts pertaining to the development of sophisticated machine intelligence.


Robotic Systems, Robotic Process Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Robot Perception, Human-Robot Interaction, Vehicle-To-Vehicle Communication.

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Krystyna Amalia, “Advancements in Robotic Systems and Human Robot Interaction for Industry 4.0”, Journal of Robotics Spectrum, vol.1, pp. 100-110, 2023. doi: 10.53759/9852/JRS202301010.


© 2023 Krystyna Amalia. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.