Incorporating both digital and physical systems, as well as the combination of the two, is what sets digital transformation apart. It is characterized by the rise of creative business structures and processes, as well as the establishment of smart consumer services and products. This paper analyzes the challenges faced by corporations during digital transformation (DT) and provides a theoretical framework for overcoming such challenges. The aim of this research is to review the basics of DT and the conditions under which it may take place. It also creates an algorithmic model for the transition of digital enterprises by classifying and organizing the challenges that develop throughout the implementation of DT. The article is aimed to provide light on the complex landscape of digital transformation among the 28 member states, which form the European Union. The study seeks to provide a full knowledge of the possibilities and challenges connected with this process of transformation.
Digital Transformation, Competitive Advantage, Resource-Based View Theory, Small and Medium-Sized Business, Digitization of Business Organizations.
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Prashant Gautam
Prashant Gautam
Management Studies, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301, India.
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Prashant Gautam, “Challenges and Strategies for Digital Transformation in Business Organizations: A Theoretical Model”, Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence, vol.4, no.4, pp. 213-222, October 2024. doi: 10.53759/5181/JEBI202404022.