The main purpose of this paper is to construct an all-encompassing structure for knowledge management in the era of digitalization, with the aim of guaranteeing the uninterrupted operation of businesses within dynamic corporate landscapes. This research uses the Organizational Information Theory as a theoretical framework and conducts interviews with executives of Indian companies in order to get insights on the relevance of knowledge acquisition in fostering business continuity. The framework places significant emphasis on the use of digital knowledge management (DKM) in identifying, collecting, documenting, organizing, and distributing organizational information in a digitalized manner. This study investigates the theoretical underpinnings of digital transformation, digital engagement, and the many tools and technologies used in knowledge management. This statement underscores the significance of firms' ability to adjust to disruptions and larger patterns, actively surveying the corporate landscape, and involving stakeholders in order to achieve long-term corporate success. The research further underscores the need of effective and timely communication of information in remote work environments, as well as the proactive adoption of BCM (Business Continuity Management) practices. This research contributes to the present body of literature by presenting empirical data that highlights the positive impact of data processing abilities on the improvement of corporate performance. Furthermore, it underscores the need to implement a comprehensive knowledge management framework to ensure the continuation of company operations.
Knowledge Management, Organizational Information Theory, Digitalization, Business Continuity, Digital Knowledge Management, Digital Transformation, Document Management Systems.
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Rose Nasiche
Rose Nasiche
Makerere University, 7062 University Rd, Kampala, Uganda.
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Rose Nasiche, “Enhancing Business Continuity through Digital Knowledge Management: A Comprehensive Framework for Navigating Uncertainty”, Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence, vol.4, no.4, pp. 184-193, October 2024. doi: 10.53759/5181/JEBI202404019.