In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the recognition and use of Business Process Management (BPM) in both academic research and practical applications. The use of innovative ICT plays a crucial role in efficacy enhancement and efficiency of corporate collaboration and the management of inter-organizational business processes. Within this particular context, it is essential for organizations that engage in cooperation to possess a collective comprehension of their internal processes, as well as those of their collaborating partners. Additionally, they must also possess an awareness of the evolving inter-organizational process structures that may arise. To foster a collective comprehension, the use of collaborative modeling might prove to be a valuable strategy. The scope of business processes extends to include activities that go outside the confines of a company, hence necessitating the adoption of process of modelling collaborative business. The practice of BPM involves several intricate iterations and extensive collaboration between business analysts and domain experts. Processes of collaborative business serve as enablers for businesses to cultivate adaptable and dynamic partnerships, allowing them to effectively respond to changing circumstances and maintain competitiveness within the global market. The primary objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive examination of contemporary cBPM methodologies.
Business Process Modeling, Collaborative Business Process Modeling, Integrated Definition for Function Modeling, Unified Modeling Language.
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Sun Young
Sun Young
School of Management, Shandong University, Ji Nan Shi, Shan Dong Sheng, China.
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Sun Young, “Examining Collaborative Business Process Modeling Techniques”, Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence, vol.4, no.1, pp. 022-031, January 2024. doi: 10.53759/5181/JEBI202404003.