Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence

Impact of Organizational Change on the Performance of Employees

Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence

Received On : 01 January 2023

Revised On : 25 February 2023

Accepted On : 22 May 2023

Published On : 05 October 2023

Volume 03, Issue 04

Pages : 236-245


Several studies have been conducted to examine the concerns of staff members in the context of organizational transformation. The conduct of leaders plays a critical role in the context of organizational transition, as they are responsible for articulating a clear vision of the change, offering direct assistance to workers, and exemplifying proper behavior. The aforementioned acts have been shown to contribute to the establishment of stability during periods of transition and to strengthen workers' dedication to the change process. During periods of transition, some individuals may have difficulties in disengaging from their previous company. This may be attributed to a feeling of loss experienced when they are required to relinquish familiarity and structures, procedures, and regulations. The present research will use the information that was subjected to analysis using the content analysis technique. This may be attributed to the significant reliance on secondary sources of information. The outcome of the assessment will give insights into potential enhancements for organizational transformation processes. There are many reasons why it is essential for a company to consistently engage in the process of effecting change. The company must take into account the critical role that workers play in implementing a transformation process. The sustainable long-term performance and success of a company are contingent upon the contributions of its personnel.


Change Management, Employee Performance, Sustainable Long-Term Performance, Strategic Transformation, Transformational Leadership.

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Cao Huining, “Impact of Organizational Change on the Performance of Employees”, Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence, vol.3, no.4, pp. 236-245, October 2023. doi: 10.53759/5181/JEBI202303023.


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