Enterprise risk management (ERM) is a systematic approach that strategically assesses risk management from a holistic standpoint, including the whole company or enterprise. The aforementioned approach is a top-down strategic methodology designed to detect, evaluate, and proactively address possible risks, threats, hazards, and other sources of damage that have the potential to impede an organization's operations and goals, or result in negative outcomes. ERM is a prominent framework that assists businesses in the identification, evaluation, and management of hazards at the enterprise level. Scholars identified many elements that serve as motivators for enterprises to participate in the process of ERM. These reasons include the likelihood of encountering financial hardship and the subsequent expenses, subpar profits performance, potential development prospects, and the autonomy of the board. The implementation of an effective risk management plan might potentially serve as a competitive advantage for organizations, facilitating their growth. This elucidates the extensive corpus of research devoted to ERM. This paper examines the fundamental connections between Enterprise Architecture and Risk Management, and presents a proposed architectural framework for effectively incorporating risk considerations within the broader organizational context. This article presents a proposed strategy for attaining a comprehensive and shared perspective on hazards throughout an organization.
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Author(s) thanks to Dr.Shreya Rajmane for this research completion and support.
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Peter Von Grebel and Shreya Rajmane, “Proposed Framework and Method for Integrating Risks into an Organizational Setting”, Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence, vol.3, no.3, pp. 126-134, July 2023. doi: 10.53759/5181/JEBI202303013.