Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence

The Past, Present, and Future of Enterprise Resource Planning

Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence

Received On : 06 July 2022

Revised On : 25 August 2022

Accepted On : 10 October 2022

Published On : 05 April 2023

Volume 03, Issue 02

Pages : 065-074


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a software system designed to facilitate the automation and management of essential business operations inside businesses, with the aim of achieving optimum performance. ERP software facilitates the integration and synchronization of data across various business processes inside an organization. This results in the establishment of a unified and reliable source of information, which in turn optimizes the efficiency and effectiveness of operations throughout the whole firm. The platform has the capability to integrate a company's human resource functions, financials, manufacturing, supply chain, operations, reporting and commerce into a unified system. The objective of this article is to provide a comprehensive examination of the historical progression and evolution of ERP systems, while also highlighting contemporary advancements facilitated by digital breakthroughs such as cloud computing. The research methodology used in this work included doing a comprehensive evaluation of scholarly literature sourced from academic publications as well as industry sources. The study revealed that ERP systems have undergone significant transformations compared to their predecessors, like MRP (material resource mapping) systems and IC (integrated control) packages. The ongoing transformations are seen in conjunction with the emergence of cloud computing and advancements in modern technologies such as artificial intelligence. Numerous scholarly publications have already examined the progression of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERPs). However, the distinctive value of this particular article lies in its comprehensive coverage of the latest advancements in the field, including debates on cloud-based ERPs and postmodern ERPs.


Information System, Supply Chain Management, Enterprise Resource Planning, Concepts Of Enterprise Resource Planning, Material Resource Mapping.

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Yining Chen, “The Past, Present, and Future of Enterprise Resource Planning”, Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence, vol.3, no.2, pp. 065-074, April 2023. doi: 10.53759/5181/JEBI202303007.


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