The purpose of this research was to measure the effect of work motivation on employee job satisfaction in Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB), Batticaloa district. A Self-administered questionnaire consisting of several measures was employed to gather data from the technical and supporting employees who work in different sections of the CEB like the Distribution Maintenance Office, Area Chief Engineer Office, Distribution Construction Engineer Office and Sub Stores of Batticaloa district. A simple random sampling method was applied to get 285 responses from the respondents. The gathered data were utilized to test the model using the PLS-SEM approach with Smart PLS. The results showed that the essential features of work motivation are manager’s leadership styles, motivation practices, employee job expectations, reward management system and working environment, whereas the identified consequence was employee job satisfaction. All five variables had a positive effect on job satisfaction and among them, employee job expectations and manager’s leadership style had the highest influence and the reward management system had the least influence on job satisfaction. Further, this study offers thoughts for managers by pinpointing the critical factors influencing that motivate employees in CEB.
Motivation, Reward System, Job Satisfaction, Public Sector, Structural Equation Modelling.
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Aldona A Somava
Aldona A Somava
Engineering Management Division, Poznań University of Technology, 60-965 Poznań, Poland.
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Aldona A Somava, “Employee Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation in The Context of Public Sector Organization”, Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence, vol.1, no.2, pp. 111-120, April 2021. doi: 10.53759/5181/JEBI202101012.