The result or outcome of an entity for its deliberate operational success is the outcome or outcome of an institution with regard to the desired objectives and targets. Operational output the study utilizes the analytical data collection process. For analysis, though, it will use both primary and secondary information. The main statistics is information that the author gathers through surveys or questionnaires and the secondary data is the data collected from prior studies and research. The study examined the effect of change management on the quality of workers, taking into account many factors such as ethics, productivity, morale and interaction among others. The research findings have shown that the greater the integrity of workers and the better the interaction, the higher the productivity and the lower the attrition. The study analyzed the impact of change management on employees’ performance, taking into account many factors such as organizational ethics, recruitment, morale and interaction. The research results demonstrate that the higher the moral and communication standards of employees are at work, the greater the retention and the lower the turnover.
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Yu Hai Yun
Yu Hai Yun
School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R.China, 150001.
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Yu Hai Yun, “A Study on Change Management and Employees Performance in IMS”, Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence, vol.1, no.1, pp. 040-048, January 2021. doi: 10.53759/5181/JEBI202101006.