Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence

Performance and Religious Aspects of Supply Chain Marketing System

Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence

Received On : 20 August 2020

Revised On : 12 September 2020

Accepted On : 12 December 2020

Published On : 05 January 2021

Volume 01, Issue 01

Pages : 014-026


This article deals with the supply chain management (SCM) has proved essential to the competitiveness of companies Performance of distributions and proper integration with suppliers, intermediaries and market requirements. Application Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at SCM has had a positive impact on those companies. It is especially implemented in connection with procurement because it enhances collaboration and improves quality shared information between suppliers and buyers. The place of marketing is determined by the economic structure of the region; the study of the region is given emphasis on a product of the region, the evolution of marketing, and the identification of the essence of marketing in the setting of regional policy. Marketing application of logistics approach Supply Chain Management is real. A critical a review of modern marketing ideas is provided. This study focuses on the influence of SCI on information sharing and the role of information sharing in shaping supply chain performance (SCP) and SCP. Therefore, its main purpose this study aims to uncover the influence of supply chain integration (SCI) on information sharing and SCP. Further, improved supply chain supply chain integration, quality of products and services, reduced supply chain costs and achieving competitive advantage is directly related to effective information sharing. Based on the analysis and systematization of data on the region's growth and existing marketing strategies, the eight-stage marketing strategy is designed to enhance the region's popularity, that is, to create a positive image and improve the competitiveness of companies located in the region.


Marketing Region, Supply Chain Management, Communication Technology, Information Sharing.

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Marakhtanov Mikhali, “Performance and Religious Aspects of Supply Chain Marketing System”, Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence, vol.1, no.1, pp. 014-026, January 2021. doi: 10.53759/5181/JEBI202101003.


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