Journal of Computing and Natural Science

Modeling Frameworks for Knowledge Engineering Approaches

Journal of Computing and Natural Science

Received On : 18 May 2021

Revised On : 25 June 2021

Accepted On : 30 September 2021

Published On : 05 January 2022

Volume 02, Issue 01

Pages : 015-020


Human knowledge was regarded as a transfer process into an applied knowledge base in the early 1980s as the creation of a Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS). The premise behind this transfer was that the KBS-required information already existed and only needed to be gathered and applied. Most of the time, the necessary information was gleaned through talking to professionals about how they handle particular problems. This knowledge was usually put to use in production rules, which were then carried out by a rule interpreter linked to them. Here, we demonstrate a number of new ideas and approaches that have emerged during the last few years. This paper presents MIKE, PROTÉGÉ-II, and Common KADS as three different modeling frameworks that may be used together or separately.


Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS), Knowledge Engineering (KE), Artificial Inttelligence (AI).

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Daniel Ashlock, “Modeling Frameworks for Knowledge Engineering Approaches”, Journal of Computing and Natural Science, vol.2, no.1, pp. 015-020, January 2022. doi: 10.53759/181X/JCNS202202003.


© 2022 Daniel Ashlock. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.