The purpose of this article is to use directed energy deposition (DED) to fabricate and test functionalized materials (FGMs). FGM is a horizontal zone exhibiting a smooth transformation from Ti-6Al-4V to Invar, with pure Invar at the highest level. Sophisticated techniques such as X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, microhardness testing, electron backscattering diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersion chamber respectroscopy were employed to assess the microstructure, chemical composition, and mechanical features of FGM. This study highlights many advantages of FGM, such as increased thermal resistance, mechanical properties, thermal protection, scratch resistance, strong adhesive surfaces, related to analytical methods, material improvement and provide insights. The findings provide insights into the potential applications of FGM in many settings. Future research should prioritize the investigation of the mechanical properties of the FGM, paying particular attention to tests to determine their strength, flexibility, and stiffness.
Additive Manufacturing, Calculation of Phase Diagrams, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Directed Energy Deposition, Functionally Graded Material.
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Author(s) thanks to Dr.Aisha Kabir for this research completion and support.
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Aisha Kabir
Begum Rokeya University, Modern Bypass, Rangpur 5404, Bangladesh.
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Imran Bashir and Aisha Kabir, “Characterization and Fabrication of Functionally Graded Materials using Directed Energy Deposition”, Journal of Computational Intelligence in Materials Science, vol.2, pp. 077-086, 2024. doi: 10.53759/832X/JCIMS202402008.