Composites are materials made from at least two different materials. Composites were initially employed by ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians in the 1600s B.C. to construct long-lasting houses out of a combination of mud and straw. As late as the Middle Ages, composite items like ceramics and boats relied on reinforcing materials made from straw. When these materials, which have very different chemical or physical characteristics, are combined, a new substance is produced that is unlike any of its component parts. Many people are drawn to novel material because it offers advantages over the status quo, such as greater strength, lower weight, or lower cost. Recent years have seen an uptick in the study of Robotic Materials, composites with built-in capabilities for sensing, actuation, computing, and communication. Because of their superior qualities, composites are increasingly being used in place of more traditional materials; this calls for further study of these materials. This article provides a review of composite materials before going through their history, fabrication methods, benefits, and uses.
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Huang Lin
Chung Yuan Christian University, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 320.
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Huang Lin, “A Comprehensive Review of the History, Advantages, Applications and Fabrication Techniques of Composite Materials”, Journal of Computational Intelligence in Materials Science, vol.2, pp. 119-129, 2024. doi: 10.53759/832X/JCIMS202402012.