Journal of Biomedical and Sustainable Healthcare Applications

Manuscript Submission

Online Submission

Microsoft Word or PDF formats may be submitted online to AnaPub Publications for initial evaluation.

Manuscripts must be submitted online via Ansis Manager Submission system at

Please note that this journal only publishes manuscripts in English.

Ansis Manager Online submission system

AnaPub Publications use Ansis Manager submission system to manage the full editorial process.

  • Online platform for the Submission, Review, Tracing, Monitoring and tracking of articles submitted
  • Automatic manuscript assignment ensures accuracy and saves time
  • A journal overview contains in-built search functionality and Excel reporting
  • Allowing you to take relevant actions, such as making an editorial decision, inviting reviewers, or sending a reminder
  • The adjustable communication templates save time while allowing for personal messages

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Cover Letter

All manuscripts should be submitted with a pre-defined cover letter.

Licensing Agreement

Journal of Biomedical and Sustainable Healthcare Applications is a Hybrid Journal When research is accepted for publication, authors can choose to publish using either the traditional publishing route OR via immediate Gold Open Access. The journal aims to contribute to the support and development of science with the Open Access policy with the content it publishes. The journal offers all usage rights (linking online, copying, printing, reproducing in any physical medium, distributing, etc.), except for commercial use and content change (unless otherwise stated in the relevant content), through Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) license, provided that the source is cited in known standards. For commercial use of the content, writtenpermission is required from the publisher and editorial board.

Manuscript Preparation, Submission & Editorial Process:

  • Post-publication discussion should commence with a short paragraph that outlines the summary of the article.
  • The main text should not exceed 10000 words with up to 15 references and may include one or two figures and/or tables.
  • The correspondence that has been done with the authors should also be submitted as an attachment with the manuscript.

All contributing authors are required to mention complete details, including full name, affiliation, email address, ORCID ID and their role in the article. After successful electronic submission of a manuscript, a system-generated acknowledgement will be sent to all authors on their provided email addresses.

Authors are strongly recommended to use their ORCID ID when submitting an article for consideration.

At the time of initial submission, the finalized list of authors in correct sequence should be provided, which will not be changed once the publication process has started.

If any change is essential, then it can only be done after the approval of the Editor-in-Chief.

Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to AnaPub Publications undergo extensive evaluation while its in the peer-review process.


Manuscript Revisions

Once the final review is completed, the author will be required to resubmit the revised manuscript using a journal template. The final Revised Manuscript will be sent via e-mail as a PDF file and should be returned within 3 days of receipt. Alterations to the text and figures (other than the essential correction of errors) are unacceptable at proof stage and authors may be charged for excessive alterations.


Authors will receive page proofs of their accepted paper before publications. To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be checked immediately for typographical errors and returned within 48 hours . Major changes are not acceptable at the proof stage. If unable to send corrections within 48 hours due to some reason, the author(s) must at least send an acknowledgement on receiving the galley proofs or the article will be published exactly as received and the publishers will not be responsible for any error occurring in the published manuscript in this regard.

The corresponding author will be solely responsible for ensuring that the revised version of the manuscript incorporating all the submitted corrections receives the approval of all the co-authors of the manuscript.

Publication fees (Article Processing Charges) only become due after an article has been both reviewed and accepted for publication.

Submission of an article is not a guarantee that it will be published. The final decision on the manuscript is made by the Editor-in-Chief on the basis of at least two independent peer-review reports.

All papers submitted for publication are immediately subjected to preliminary editorial scrutiny by the Editor-in-Chief regarding their suitability. The Editor-in-Chief determines if the manuscript

(a) Falls within the scope of the journal and

(b) Meets the editorial criteria of AnaPub Publishers in terms of originality and quality.

Manuscripts that appear to be suitable are then subjected to single peer-review by, usually three, neutral eminent experts. The services of eminent international experts are sought through invitations to conduct the peer-review of a submitted manuscript, keeping in view the scope of the manuscript and the expertise of the reviewers. The identity of the reviewers is not disclosed to the authors. The anonymity of reviewers ensures objective and unbiased assessment of the manuscript by the reviewers.

On the basis of reviewer comments, the Editors may recommend acceptance, revision or rejection of a manuscript.

After review of the manuscript by at least three independent experts, in addition to the views of the Editor, the decision is relayed to the authors, which may be categorized as:

  • Accept
  • Minor Revision
  • Major Revision
  • Reject & Resubmit
  • Reject

We have a double blinded peer-review process in which the reviewers and authors do not have access to the information of who the authors and peer reviewers are. All our journals acknowledge the researchers who have performed the peer-review and without the significant contributions made by these researchers, the publication of the journal would not be possible. We try our best to adhere to the guidelines laid out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We also forward the guidelines to our reviewers to ensure the highest ethical standards of evaluation.

The authors are usually requested to resubmit the revised paper within 15 days and it will then be returned to the reviewers for further evaluation. The publishers normally allow one round of revision and, in exceptional cases, a second round of revision may be allowed. If further revision is needed, then the manuscript is rejected and the author is requested to resubmit the manuscript for fresh processing.

The final decision regarding acceptance or rejection is that of the Editor-in-Chief, depending on the quality of the revision and his assessment of the quality of the manuscript. In rare cases, manuscripts recommended for publication by the referees may be rejected in the final assessment by the Editor-in-Chief.

After the successful completion of the review and acceptance of the article, the articles are typeset and proofs are dispatched to authors for any corrections prior to final publication.

AnaPub Publications uses the iThenticate software which detects instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. This software checks content against a database of periodicals, the Internet, and a comprehensive article database.

AnaPub Publications strictly follows the COPE guidelines to detect plagiarism; for more clear insight, authors may refer to flowcharts provided by COPE by clicking here or by visiting COPE website.

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