Risk may be described as the probability or possibility for negative consequences, such as damage, injury, loss, or any unfavorable occurrence arising from vulnerabilities, whether they originate within or outside. These dangers may be alleviated by preemptive steps implemented beforehand. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) employs a comprehensive technique to effectively identify and assess risks. The primary objective of this approach is to support decision-making processes and improve the probability of successfully attaining strategic and analytical objectives. ERM has been widely endorsed by several assessors, regulators, and experts as a very beneficial strategy for enterprises. This article provides an analysis of the corporate and legislative governance structures that regulate Enterprise Risk Management in municipalities in South Africa. This study provides a scholarly investigation into the historical progression of ERM in the public sector, presenting a thorough examination of its adoption and execution within the governmental context of South Africa. In addition, this statement outlines the regulatory obligations and fundamental principles of effective corporate governance that regulate the arrangement, responsibilities, and obligations related to ERM. The report highlights the need of continuous feedback and improvement in risk management approaches.
Enterprise Risk Management, Corporate Governance, Risk Management Approaches, Internal Business Environment, King Risk Management Criteria.
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Paulina Mbunye
Walter Sisulu University, Nelson Mandela Drive, Eastern Cape, Mthatha 5117, South Africa.
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Paulina Mbunye, “Enterprise Risk Management in South African Municipalities within Legislative and Corporate Governance Frameworks”, Journal of Enterprise and Business Intelligence, vol.5, no.1, pp. 010-018, January 2025. doi: 10.53759/5181/JEBI202505002.