Journal of Computing and Natural Science

Journal Reports

Manuscript Download

6352 annual downloads/views

Speed/Acceptance (Approx)
  • 1 day/ Submission to decision.
  • 34 days / from submission to first post-review decision
  • 16 days / from acceptance to online publication
  • 21% acceptance rate
Journal metrics in brief

Usage: Total number of times manuscripts in the journal were downloaded/viewed by users


From submission to first decision the average (median) number of days for a manuscript submitted to the journal to receive a first decision.

From submission to first post-review decision: the average (median) number of days for a manuscript submitted to the journal to receive a first decision if it is sent out for peer review.

From acceptance to online publication: the average (median) number of days from acceptance of a manuscript to online publication of the Version of Record.

Acceptance rate: articles accepted for publication by the journal in the previous calendar year as percentage of all papers receiving a final decision.