Rigetti's Ankaa-3 Quantum Processor Now Accessible on AWS Braket

Janani R February 17, | 2025 11:30 AM Technology

Rigetti Computing has partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to offer customers access to Rigetti's Quantum Processing Units (QPUs). These QPUs, based on superconducting qubit technology, are versatile gate-model machines suitable for applications in chemical simulation, combinatorial optimization, and machine learning. With fast gate times and high program execution rates, Rigetti's quantum processors, including the Ankaa™-series chips, are ideal for simulating complex biochemical processes and optimizing global logistics management.

The Ankaa chip features three main subsystems: a compiler toolchain, a low-latency hardware controller, and superconducting qubits, all working together to efficiently execute user programs. Rigetti’s quantum chips offer improved readout capabilities, faster processing, and quick gate times for various entangling gate families.

Figure 1. Ankaa-3 Quantum Processor Now Accessible on AWS Braket

With a square topology and 4-fold connectivity, the Ankaa chip allows developers to optimize programs for performance while reducing circuit depth [1]. Its two-qubit entangling gate, typically ISWAP, is controlled through electrical frequency modulation, ensuring precise qubit interactions. Figure 1 shows Ankaa-3 Quantum Processor Now Accessible on AWS Braket.

Headquartered in California, with offices in Australia and the UK, Rigetti Computing is a leader in quantum computing. The company focuses on developing and deploying integrated quantum systems using superconducting qubit technology, enabling industries such as finance, insurance, pharmaceuticals, defense, and energy to enhance their computational workflows with quantum processors.

Rigetti’s universal, gate-model superconducting quantum processors, powered by tunable superconducting qubits, are central to their offerings. These machines have significant potential in fields like chemical simulation, combinatorial optimization, and machine learning. Their ability to simulate biochemical mechanisms with great efficiency makes them ideal for studying complex processes such as photosynthesis and protein folding. Quantum computers also excel at navigating exponentially larger state spaces, enabling optimal solutions in areas like global logistics management.

The Ankaa™-series chips feature a tileable, tunable-coupler-based architecture that can scale to large qubit counts. With parametric resonance and fast DC pulse-based logic gates, these chips deliver quick gate times and high program execution rates. Performance metrics for Rigetti’s current systems are available on their QPU page.

The Ankaa processor enhances readout capabilities, improving overall circuit fidelities. It also accelerates quantum processing and offers fast gate times for multiple entangling gate families. The square topology of the Ankaa chip, with 4-fold connectivity, supports ISWAP entangling gates, enabling developers to optimize programs for performance and reduce circuit depth.

Rigetti’s two-qubit entangling gate mechanism, typically ISWAP, is controlled by electrical frequency modulation (FM), aligning the frequency of one qubit with a neighboring qubit for precise interactions [2]. To minimize cross-talk and assess the impact of decoherence, qubit lifetimes are compared against the gate duration multiplied by the circuit depth.

This partnership with AWS allows users to develop quantum algorithms using Rigetti’s cutting-edge quantum hardware. By providing access to Rigetti’s QPUs, the collaboration is expected to accelerate application and research advancements across the quantum computing industry, broadening access to diverse hardware in the cloud.

  1. https://aws.amazon.com/braket/quantum-computers/rigetti/
  2. https://quantumzeitgeist.com/rigetti-quantum-processor-ankaa-3-now-available-on-aws-braket/
Cite this article:

Janani R (2025), Rigetti's Ankaa-3 Quantum Processor Now Accessible on AWS Braket, AnaTechMaz, pp.68

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