Future of IoT in healthcare

Thanusri swetha J S February 18, 2022 | 11.15 AM Technology

Internet of Things refers to an ecosystem of connected computing devices or machines where each has its unique identifier and is able to exchange data collected with other devices without human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

Such networks can consist of thousands of IoT devices that together create an enormous ecosystem. Virtually every industry can benefit from IoT in different ways, including the healthcare industry. [3]

Figure 1. Future of IoT in healthcare

Figure 1 shows Healthcare IoT devices allow medical professionals to collect data on the condition of patients without the risks that come with bringing large numbers of potentially infectious people together in close proximity. Beyond pandemic response use cases, though, they also allow doctors to potentially examine, diagnose and treat larger numbers of patients, as well as expand healthcare to regions where physical access to doctors or hospitals is difficult due to remoteness or difficulty of access. [4]

IoT Medical Devices

The market for IoT medical devices is expected to reach $94.2 billion by 2026, up from $26.5 billion in 2021, according to Markets and Markets research. Here are six applications of IoT technology in health and healthcare. [2]

Future of IoT in Healthcare

IoT in healthcare industry does not stand alone. All IoT devices and their networks need to be combined with other technologies to help healthcare facilities transform in a meaningful way. As mentioned before, IoT will revolutionize the healthcare industry but it also needs data, high-speed communication, and proper security and compliance.

5G will provide the ultra-low latency speeds and mobility that the IoT in the healthcare industry needs. In turn, AI-driven solutions will make sense of the data lakes gathered from a collection of devices. Big Data strategies will use such AI algorithms to analyze data in real-time and make critical health decisions. Virtualization will help to reduce or get rid of old infrastructure in hospitals.

IoT is already using most of these technologies to help healthcare evolve, and this evolution will only continue. Sooner than later, healthcare and Internet of Things will become inseparable, completely transforming how we approach our healthcare. [1]

  1. https://www.intellectsoft.net/blog/iot-in-healthcare/
  2. https://builtin.com/internet-things/iot-in-healthcare
  3. https://www.netguru.com/blog/iot-in-healthcare
  4. https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2021/12/13/the-5-biggest-internet-of-things-iot-trends-in-2022/?sh=c85ee5b5aba0
Cite this article:

Thanusri swetha J (2022), Future of IoT in healthcare, Anatechmaz, pp. 50

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