Meta Creates Digital Human Program to Test Prosthetics

By: Sri Vasagi K June 6, 2022 | 10:00 AM Technology

Meta, Mark Zuckerberg’s company, created together with the University of Twente an open-source framework called MyoSuite, which combines skeletal muscle models and artificial intelligence. The “digital humans” created by MyoSuite mimic complex movements that contribute to better prosthetic development.

Figure 1. Digital human program to test prosthetics.

Figure 1 shows that these AI-powered digital models build realistic simulations of muscles and skeletons up to 4 thousand times faster than current prostheses. MyoSuite, Meta’s artificial intelligence program to improve prosthetics

According to the researchers, they can train the models to perform certain complex motor movements, such as spinning a pen or rotating an arm. Eventually it would also be used for the design of new surgical and physical rehabilitation techniques. [1]

the main goal of the tool is to model complex human movement to help develop prosthetics, it can also potentially be used for the design of new physical rehabilitation and surgery techniques.

“If we could predict the outcome of a robotic therapy beforehand, then we could optimize it for a patient and deliver a truly personalized and cost-effective treatment,” said Professor Massimo Sartori, one of the researchers in the team.

MyoSuite could also be trained to interact with assistive robots such as exoskeletons to simulate conditions such as muscle fatigue; muscle sarcopenia; tendon tear, and tendon reaffirmation – and train those robots to be able to restore movement following impairment. [2]

“We hope that diverse features supported by our framework will open new opportunities in understanding neuromechanical systems interacting with artificial robotic agents,” Sartori said.

Although this ML program is Meta specific, the company plans to make MyoSuite open source to support other researchers in this field. Meta is not the first company to make advances in the field of prosthetics, as Intel recently launched a ‘neuromorphic’ deep-learning chip that they said would make prosthetic limbs better.

When it comes to the metaverse, MyoSuite could also be integrated in programmed like Horizon Worlds, to develop more realistic avatars. [3]

Cite this article:

Sri Vasagi K (2022), Meta Creates Digital Human Program to Test Prosthetics, AnaTechMaz, pp.111

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