Journal of Intelligent Network Technologies

Instructions for Author

Journal of Intelligent Network Technologies is an Open Access journal and makes its published content directly open access. The journal aims to contribute to the support and development of science with the Open Access policy with the content it publishes. The journal offers all usage rights (linking online, copying, printing, reproducing in any physical medium, distributing, etc.), except for commercial use and content change (unless otherwise stated in the relevant content), through Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license,provided that the source is cited in known standards. For commercial use of the content, writtenpermission is required from the publisher and editorial board.

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A successful electronic submission of a manuscript will be followed by a system-generated acknowledgement to the principal/corresponding author.

Article Types

Original Articles: Original Articles must present scientific results that are essentially new and that have not been published or are being considered for publication elsewhere.

Reviews: Reviews are usually commissioned by the Editor or an Editorial Board member, but the submission of proposals for Reviews is very much encouraged.

Short Communications: Short Communications are short papers that present significant new observations.

Case Studies: Case Studies provide relevant material to support both research and education through the transferability of experiences, events and experiments and highlight the essence and core findings of research.

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Authors are responsible for managing the inclusion of third-party content as an author/editor of a work. We refer to 'third party content' as any work that authors haven't developed themselves and have copied or adapted from other sources. Text, figures, photographs, tables, screenshots, and other items may be included.

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Published/reproduced material should not be included unless written permission has been obtained from the copyright holder, which should be forwarded to the Editorial Office in case of acceptance of the article for publication.

Funding Statement

Please provide a Funding Statement. Describe the sources of funding that have supported the work. Please include relevant grant numbers and the URL of any funder’s website. Also, describe the role of any sponsors or funders. If they had no role, include this sentence at the end of your statement: “The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.”

If you did not receive any funding for this work, please state “The author(s) received no specific funding for this work".


About the Journal
Open Access
Preparing Your Manuscripts
Manuscript Submission
Peer Review and Ethics
Publication Charges
Complying with Funding Agencies