Automation has become the key for smart homes, Implementation of such a system leads to energy conservation and also provides the user with a comfortable and convenient way to control their home appliances. Automation can also be employed to help disabled people with their daily tasks. This paper presents such a system which uses sensors to automate our home appliances. A connection to this system can be established via Bluetooth using applications developed with the Android operating system. Automation was done to reduce industrial accidents as and when people are get exposed to dangerous situations by the help of automation, we can have more effective and efficient product development, With the help of the automation, we can reduce manual labor and reduce the accidents associated with the high voltage devices. This project was developed to create simple but reliable and in expensive home automation model with the help of mobile phone. As the mobile phone has become irreplaceable, the mobile phone is used to control the appliances. With the help of mobile phone, home automation is done easily. A complete but a simple automation model using mobile phone is done in this project.
Home Automation, Android, Bluetooth, Mobile Phone.
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Akshay P, Likhith Kumar K B, Pavankumar S K, Malini S, “Home Automation using Android”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies, pp. 039-042, December. 2022. doi: 10.53759/aist/978-9914-9946-1-2_7