International Conference on VLSI, Communication and Computer Communication
Pet Feeder using IOT
Adnan Shah, Syed Tajuddin, Irfan Hamid Darzi, Gouri.D. Malgi, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, AMC Engineering College Bangalore-560083, India.
This paper provides a solution to minimize the problems faced by the pet feeders in today’s world. The paper is written on the basis of prepared and tested model. Most of the people love to keep a pet at their homes, also now a days pets have become more burdens for people having pets. The owners have lot of stress when it comes to feed the pet. In past few years variety of pet feeder devices are present, unfortunately they are unable to solve all the problems. Project aims to solve the various problems that are caused using this pet feeder using Internet of things. IOT Pet feeder use a BOLT WIFI MODULE and with Arduino interfaced, using servo motor, and some hardware. Code is uploaded to the ARDUNIO IDE AND BOLT CLOUD to perform operations like rotating servo motor. This device is controlled using BOLT application in the mobile phone. The signal is sent to the BOLT WIFI MODULE using bolt application through bolt cloud. The door of the pet feeder device opens as soon as motor starts to rotate, and the food drops through the hole into the bowl. And this helps pet to receive regular amounts of food on a click of a button.
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Adnan Shah, Syed Tajuddin, Irfan Hamid Darzi, Gouri.D. Malgi, “Pet Feeder using IOT”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies, pp. 034-038, December. 2022. doi: 10.53759/aist/978-9914-9946-1-2_6