There are number of languages around the world and knowing all the languages is very difficult for any person. At the same time, unawareness about the language will hinder communication. Language identification is the process where the identifying the language(s) in text form is performed based on the writing style and looking at the unique diacritics of each language. When a multitude of languages are spoken in any circumstances, the first step in communication is the identification of the language. There are several techniques used for language detection like machine learning and deep learning. These are used in detecting languages like German. In India, numerous languages are spoken by the people and thus we propose to develop a model that detects two languages: Kannada and Devanagari/Sanskrit. In this study, Support Vector Machines classifiers were used, for classification and an accuracy of 99% was achieved.
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Shashank Simha B K, Rahul M, Jyoti R Munavalli, Prajwal Anand, “Dual-Language Detection using Machine Learning", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies, pp. 177-180, December. 2022. doi: 10.53759/aist/978-9914-9946-1-2_32